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CULTURE Teyah Payne CULTURE Teyah Payne

Food Influencers You Should Know About: An Interview with Tala AlRayes from TÊTE-À-TÊTE

In the expansive world of online culinary exploration, certain food influencers manage to leave a lasting impression through their unique approach and commitment to sustainability. One standout is Tala AlRayes, a certified vegan chef and co-founder of the TÊTE-À-TÊTE vegan supper club, who has carved a niche by blending exquisite vegan dishes with a dash of cultural representation.

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CULTURE Teyah Payne CULTURE Teyah Payne

“It’s like a miracle that I still have confidence” —Kylie Jenner and Why Beauty is a Bad Investment 

The last few weeks, my timeline has been flooded with commentary about a clip of Kylie Jenner from the newest season of The Kardashians reality show. While Kylie laments the cruelty of online scrutiny, we explore the broader societal and cultural issues surrounding beauty standards, blackfishing, and cultural appropriation. This piece critically examines how Kylie, despite her immense wealth and influence, has remained apolitical and disconnected from social justice issues, highlighting the dangers of prioritizing aesthetics over meaningful change.

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