Let’s Have Better Conversations About Women Looking for Sex Work




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We saw this amazing TikTok from @iamrukiat (check out her content) and were inspired to make a post hoping to help us have more productive conversations about sex work.

In an era where attitudes toward sex work are evolving, it's crucial to explore the nuances behind women's decisions to enter this industry. From economic factors to personal agency, our investigation delves deep into the motivations, challenges, and realities faced by women seeking opportunities in sex work.


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In recent years, there has been a notable shift in societal attitudes toward sex work, particularly among younger adults. A study published in the Sexologies journal revealed that attitudes toward sex work among young adults are increasingly less stigmatizing compared to older generations, such as Millennials and Baby Boomers. This shift is indicative of broader economic trends and cultural shifts that are reshaping perceptions of sex work in the United States.

One significant manifestation of this trend is the explosive growth of platforms like OnlyFans, which has gained immense popularity in recent years. In 2022, OnlyFans reported an astonishing annual revenue of $2.5 billion, accompanied by a staggering 1291.85% increase in its consumer base from 2019 to 2021. This surge in revenue and user base underscores the growing acceptance and normalization of sex work within contemporary culture.

Moreover, discussions surrounding sex work have become increasingly prevalent on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. These platforms have provided a space for sex workers to share their experiences, challenges, and successes, further contributing to the visibility and normalization of sex work in the public consciousness.

Despite the increasing acceptance and participation of women in the sex work industry, the legal landscape surrounding sex work in the United States remains fraught with challenges. With the exception of Nevada, where sex work is heavily regulated, most states criminalize sex work, leaving many women to engage in this profession under precarious legal conditions. This criminalization perpetuates stigma and marginalization, exacerbating the risks and vulnerabilities faced by sex workers.

As participation in the sex work industry continues to rise, it is imperative that we confront the realities and implications of this trend. The increasing prevalence of sex work demands a nuanced and informed dialogue about its economic, social, and cultural dimensions. By acknowledging and engaging with the data and statistics that highlight the growth of sex work, we can begin to address the systemic issues and challenges faced by sex workers and work toward creating a more equitable and supportive society. 

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Why Women Looking for Sex Work Makes Sense

In examining the factors driving the increase in women's participation in sex work, it becomes clear that economic and financial pressures play a significant role. Women often find themselves in fields and careers that do not offer adequate compensation, contributing to their consideration of alternative avenues such as sex work. 

This phenomenon is deeply rooted in cultural and political dynamics, where both societal expectations and personal choice place a heavy burden on women fulfilling traditional caregiving roles, thus leading them towards industries with lower pay scales and greater flexibility to accommodate familial responsibilities.


Women in the Workforce 

A key report by UNICEF linking family friendly workplace policies to women’s rights, for instance, found that family-friendly workplace policies (e.g., flexible working hours,  accessible childcare, etc.) are directly related to a woman's ability to have agency within the labor market and more fairly distribute the burden of childcare between parents.  Regardless of this fact, family friendly workplaces remain inaccessible in the highly-industrialized world within the majority of industries. 

According to data obtained by the National Partnership for Women and Families, only 17% of employees in the US are eligible for paid family leave or have access to predictable scheduling for working hours, key family friendly policies. Moreover, employees in low-wage occupations are exceptionally more likely to have issues accessing jobs with family-friendly policies, of which women make up the majority of such workers. These barriers are a major issue seeing as women make up half of the workforce and are key breadwinners for two-thirds of families with minor children. 

Other statistical data underscores this trend, revealing the disproportionate representation of women in certain professions and sectors characterized by lower wages. For instance, women are overrepresented in service industries, including retail, hospitality, and healthcare support roles, which pale in comparison to male-dominated fields in terms of family-friendly policies like paid leave. However, these jobs still offer more flexibility and long-term job stability, key drivers for primary caregivers whose main priority is their children’s well-being.

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Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic 

The COVID-19 pandemic only exacerbated these economic disparities, particularly affecting industries with high concentrations of female workers. Fields such as retail, hospitality, and personal care services were among the hardest hit by lockdowns and restrictions, leading to widespread layoffs and job losses. Women, especially those with caregiving responsibilities, faced heightened challenges as they navigated the demands of remote work, childcare, and household responsibilities amid the crisis.

A study by Deloitte Global even found that women reported their relationships with their employers were negatively impacted after adjusting their work hours to accommodate increased caregiving responsibilities.Furthermore, women who found themselves in partnerships where childcare became unavailable due to pandemic-related closures were disproportionately impacted. 

In 2021, about 1.8 million completely left the workforce during the pandemic, a statistic whose long-term impact will likely be counterintuitive for increased gender equality in the workforce. With limited options for childcare and remote work arrangements, many women were forced to stop working in the public sphere to assume caregiving duties at home, further straining their financial stability.


The COVID-19 pandemic triggered an unprecedented cost of living crisis that reverberated across the United States, irrespective of demographic distinctions. As businesses shuttered, supply chains disrupted, and unemployment soared, the basic necessities of life became increasingly unaffordable for many Americans. Rent prices surged alongside grocery costs, straining household budgets and leaving individuals with little financial flexibility.

The exponential rise in housing expenses, coupled with the escalating cost of food, placed immense financial strain on individuals and families. With stagnant wages and diminishing job opportunities, many found themselves grappling with the harsh reality of choosing between paying rent or putting food on the table. In such a precarious economic landscape, individuals were compelled to explore alternative sources of income to make ends meet.

The pandemic-induced economic turmoil coincided with the phenomenon known as the "Great Resignation," characterized by a mass exodus from the workforce as individuals reassessed their career priorities and sought greater flexibility and fulfillment. Widespread layoffs further exacerbated unemployment rates, leaving countless individuals scrambling to secure employment in an increasingly competitive job market.


The intersection of gender norms, economic constraints, and systemic inequalities has created a perfect storm, compelling women to explore alternative means of income generation, including sex work.


Amidst the backdrop of economic uncertainty and financial precarity, the concept of "side hustle culture" gained even more traction as individuals sought supplementary sources of income to bolster their earnings. Sex work, often stigmatized yet economically viable, emerged as a feasible option for those navigating the challenges of financial instability. For many, engaging in sex work represented a pragmatic response to the harsh realities of recessionomics, offering a means of financial survival in the face of unprecedented economic upheaval.

The intersection of gender norms, economic constraints, and systemic inequalities has created a perfect storm, compelling women to explore alternative means of income generation, including sex work. While sex work remains stigmatized and fraught with risks, the economic imperative cannot be overlooked. For many women, engaging in sex work represents a pragmatic response to financial precarity and the structural barriers they face in traditional employment sectors.


Things Women Looking for Sex Work Should Keep in Mind


In discussing the realities of sex work, it's crucial to acknowledge that women engaging in this profession are navigating a complex and multifaceted landscape. Ignoring the existence of sex work only serves to push it further into the shadows, making it more difficult to address the challenges and ensure the safety and well-being of those involved. Rather than shying away from the topic, it's imperative to engage in open and nuanced conversations that recognize the diverse experiences and circumstances within the sex work industry.

While sex work can indeed offer significant financial rewards for some individuals, it's essential to dispel the misconception that every sex worker is destined for wealth and prosperity. The financial outcomes of sex work are influenced by various factors, including the type of services offered, the platforms used to promote them, and sheer chance. 

For instance, while the viral stories of women making millions a year on OnlyFans tend to go viral and get the most attention, the average OnlyFans creator makes no more than $180 a month. This income is drastically lower than many might assume. However, women doing in-person work that is usually safer, like those who do dominatrix work, report significantly higher incomes.

Prospective sex workers must carefully consider these variables before committing to this career path, understanding that success is not guaranteed and financial stability may remain elusive for many.  Depending on the how saturated the market of the sex work one chooses, there might be alternative avenues for income generation that might yield better results. 



Furthermore, it's crucial to avoid glamorizing sex work as a glamorous or easy path to success. Like any occupation, sex work comes with its own set of challenges, including physical and emotional risks, long hours, and societal stigma. The pervasive stigma surrounding sex work can have far-reaching consequences, impacting individuals' ability to secure employment in other fields and subjecting them to discrimination and prejudice. 

Moreover, the lack of legal protections for sex workers leaves them vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, with few avenues for recourse or support. Though the United States federal government does not mandate sex work, most local state-level governments have deemed it illegal. The illegality of sex work in the majority of the US leaves women who engage in it with very little legal protection that other American workers are guaranteed (e.g., freedom from a hostile work environment). 

It's also essential to critically examine the notion of choice within the context of sex work. While some individuals may enter the industry voluntarily, many are driven by economic necessity rather than personal passion or agency. The decision to engage in sex work is often a pragmatic one, motivated by the need for financial stability in an increasingly precarious socioeconomic climate. This nuanced understanding underscores the importance of addressing the structural inequalities and economic pressures that drive individuals towards sex work, rather than simply moralizing or stigmatizing their choices.

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Lastly, it's vital to acknowledge the complex interplay between empowerment and exploitation within the sex work industry. While some individuals may find a sense of agency and autonomy through their work, others may experience profound demoralization and dehumanization at the hands of clients and societal attitudes. The experience of a sex worker is based on that sex workers intersections of which they are identified. 

Black women, poor women, and disabled women might have different challenges, thus relationships, with sex work due to the way they are viewed and treated by society. Recognizing and addressing these nuances is essential for creating a more inclusive and supportive society that respects the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their chosen profession.


Women Looking for Sex Work Deserve Your Respect and Safety 

If you're reading this, you've likely encountered the progressive maxim "sex work is work!" But what does this statement truly entail? Beyond its surface meaning lies a deeper call for recognition and respect for individuals engaged in the sex work industry. It asserts that sex work deserves the same rights, protections, and considerations as any other form of employment. By reframing sex work within the framework of labor, we aim to destigmatize it and challenge societal norms that marginalize and discriminate against sex workers.

Feminist theorist Leopoldina Fortunati offers valuable insights into the intersection of sex work and capitalism in her seminal work, The Arcane of Reproduction.  Fortunati's analysis delves into the dynamics of labor within capitalist societies, particularly focusing on the gendered division of labor and its implications for women. She argues that both sex work and traditional forms of domestic labor, such as housewifery, can be viewed as forms of "indirectly waged labor" within the capitalist system.

In Fortunati's framework, sex work is not merely a transactional exchange of sexual services for money but rather a complex interplay of power, exploitation, and survival within the capitalist economy. By contextualizing sex work within the broader capitalist structure, Fortunati highlights the ways in which women's labor is undervalued and commodified, perpetuating systems of exploitation and oppression.

Moreover, Fortunati challenges traditional notions of labor and productivity, arguing that the labor performed by sex workers is just as valid and deserving of recognition as any other form of work. Fortunati's work underscores the importance of addressing the socio-economic factors that drive individuals, particularly women, into sex work, and emphasizes the need for greater respect, dignity, and protections for those engaged in the industry.

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Sex work, often touted as the oldest profession in history, operates within a demand-based industry. Statistics reveal that women predominantly comprise the sex work workforce, while men constitute the primary clientele. This heteronormative dynamic underscores the inherent sexism embedded within societal attitudes towards sex work. Women engaged in sex work are subjected to scrutiny and judgment, while their male clients are rarely held accountable for their participation. Addressing the demand side of sex work is essential for understanding and ultimately eradicating the industry, as it is the consumers who drive the demand for sexual services.

The demonization of sex work not only perpetuates harmful stereotypes and stigmas but also poses tangible risks to individuals within the industry. While discussions around sex work often focus on issues of trafficking and nonconsensual exploitation, consensual sex workers face abuse and violence as well. Law enforcement, particularly in regions in the US where sex work is heavily criminalized, wield significant power over sex workers and may exploit their vulnerability for personal gain. Protecting the rights and safety of sex workers is not only a matter of human rights but also a crucial step towards creating a more just and equitable society for all.


Tips and Resoruces for Women Looking for Sex Work

Whether driven by financial necessity, personal autonomy, or a combination of factors, it's crucial for individuals considering sex work to approach the endeavor with caution, awareness, and preparedness. Here are some essential considerations and practical steps to guide you through the process:

1. Talk to People

Opening up to trusted individuals outside the realm of sex work may feel daunting, but it's a crucial step in building a support network and accessing resources beyond the confines of the industry. Having friends, family members, or mentors who can offer guidance, protection, and emotional support can be invaluable in navigating the challenges and uncertainties of sex work.

2. Know Your Rights and Risks

Understanding the legal landscape surrounding sex work is essential for safeguarding your rights and minimizing risks. Laws and regulations pertaining to sex work vary significantly from state to state, and it's vital to familiarize yourself with the specific legalities and potential consequences in your area. Consulting with a knowledgeable attorney or legal advocate can provide invaluable insights and guidance tailored to your individual circumstances.

3. Know Your Limits

Establishing clear boundaries and limitations before entering the sex work industry is essential for preserving your physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. Consider what types of sex work you're comfortable engaging in, your boundaries regarding clients and activities, and your long-term goals and aspirations within the industry. Setting boundaries empowers you to assert control over your work environment and maintain agency over your body and experiences.

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4. Keep These Institutions in Mind:

Several organizations and advocacy groups in the United States are dedicated to protecting the rights and safety of sex workers and advocating for policy reforms. Some notable institutions include:

  • The Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP-USA): A grassroots organization that provides support, resources, and advocacy for sex workers across the country.

  • The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE): Advocates for the rights and dignity of transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals, including those engaged in sex work.

  • The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): Works to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution, including the rights of sex workers.

Engaging with these organizations can provide access to legal assistance, healthcare services, peer support networks, and advocacy initiatives aimed at advancing the rights and well-being of sex workers. By prioritizing communication, knowledge, boundaries, and access to resources, individuals can navigate the complexities of sex work with greater confidence, agency, and resilience.



Teyah Nichole

Nichole is an American (she/her), animal-loving, coffee-obsessed, small-talk hating, ENFJ-T , vegetarian based in London. She founded W&S almost two years ago before starting her PhD, with a desire to learn in community with like-minded women. [Get in touch]



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Teyah Payne

Teyah Is the Founder & Creative Director of W&S. She is also a PhD Student and activist, focusing mainly on making progressive impacts in feminism, environmentalism, and culture. CLICK HERE to learn more about Teyah and her work.


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