Dumbbell Bicep Workouts You’ll Love

W&S Health and Wellness Editor




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We saw this amazing TikTok from @_massielbaez (check out her content!) and got inspired to make this article about dumbbell bicep workouts.

Discover the joy of sculpting powerful biceps with our guide to dumbbell workouts. We'll explore the perks of incorporating these exercises into your routine and provide a curated list of our favorite workouts and free resources for those eager to kickstart their fitness journey from the comfort of home. Let's flex and feel the burn together!


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Why Dumbbell Bicep Workouts Should Be In Your Fitness Routine

The biceps, a prominent muscle in the upper arm, consist of two parts: the long head and the short head. These muscles play a crucial role in elbow flexion and forearm supination, allowing us to perform everyday tasks like lifting objects and rotating our wrists. Incorporating dumbbell bicep workouts into your fitness routine provides numerous benefits.

Firstly, the versatility of dumbbell exercises allows for effective training without the need for extensive equipment or a gym membership. Whether you're at home or in a park, dumbbells offer a convenient way to target and strengthen your biceps.

Moreover, engaging in dumbbell bicep workouts contributes to improved shoulder mobility. As these exercises require stabilization, they activate surrounding muscles, enhancing overall shoulder function. This increased mobility can mitigate the risk of injuries and enhance your performance in various physical activities.

Another advantage lies in the heightened range of motion that dumbbell exercises offer. Unlike some machine-based workouts, which can restrict movement patterns, dumbbell exercises encourage a more natural and extensive range of motion. This increased flexibility contributes to better muscle development and functional strength.

Additionally, incorporating unilateral training with dumbbells promotes balance and addresses muscle imbalances that might go unnoticed in bilateral exercises. By working each arm independently, you can identify and rectify any disparities in strength, promoting a more symmetrical and functional physique.

In summary, the benefits of including dumbbell bicep workouts in your fitness routine extend beyond the aesthetic appeal of well-defined arms. These exercises offer practical advantages such as convenience, improved shoulder mobility, increased range of motion, and the opportunity for unilateral training. Whether you're a seasoned fitness enthusiast or a beginner, harnessing the power of dumbbell workouts can elevate your overall strength and well-being.

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Dumbbell Bicep Workout #1: Classic Dumbbell Curl

What it looks like:

How to do it:

  1. The classic dumbbell curl is a foundational bicep exercise that targets both the long and short heads of the biceps. Performing this movement with proper form is crucial for maximizing its benefits. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  2. Starting Position:

    • Stand upright with a dumbbell in each hand, arms fully extended, and palms facing forward.

    • Ensure your feet are shoulder-width apart for stability.

  3. Grip the Dumbbells:

    • Hold the dumbbells using a supine (palms facing up) grip. Your grip should be firm but not excessively tight.

  4. Initiate the Movement:

    • Keep your upper arms stationary and exhale as you curl the weights while contracting your biceps.

    • Rotate your wrists during the curl so that your palms are facing your shoulders at the top of the movement.

  5. Top Position:

    • At the top of the curl, squeeze your biceps and hold the position for a moment to maximize muscle contraction.

  6. Lower the Weights:

    • Inhale as you slowly begin to lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. Resist the urge to let gravity take over.

  7. Full Range of Motion:

    • Ensure you're achieving a full range of motion, allowing your arms to fully extend at the bottom of the movement.

  8. Controlled Movement:

    • Maintain a controlled and deliberate pace throughout the exercise, avoiding swinging or using momentum to lift the weights.

  9. Proper Breathing:

    • Exhale during the lifting phase (concentric) and inhale during the lowering phase (eccentric) to optimize oxygen flow to your muscles.

  10. Tips:

  • Choose an appropriate weight that challenges your muscles without sacrificing form.

  • Keep your elbows close to your torso throughout the movement.

  • Maintain a neutral spine and avoid arching your back.

Incorporating the classic dumbbell curl into your bicep workout routine can contribute to well-rounded arm development. As with any exercise, quality repetitions are more beneficial than quantity, so prioritize proper form and controlled movements.

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Dumbbell Bicep Workout #2: Dumbbell Hammer Curl

What it looks like:

How to do it:

The dumbbell hammer curl is an effective variation that targets not only the biceps but also the brachialis, contributing to overall arm development. Here's a detailed guide on performing the hammer curl with proper form:

  1. Starting Position:

    • Begin by standing tall with a dumbbell in each hand, arms fully extended, and palms facing your torso.

    • Maintain a neutral grip, with your palms facing each other throughout the exercise.

  2. Proper Stance:

    • Position your feet shoulder-width apart to establish a stable base.

  3. Initiate the Movement:

    • Keep your upper arms stationary and exhale as you flex your elbows, bringing the dumbbells towards your shoulders.

    • Avoid unnecessary movement in your torso; the focus should be on your arms.

  4. Neutral Wrist Position:

    • Maintain a neutral wrist position throughout the movement. Your wrists should neither be excessively flexed nor extended.

  5. Top Position:

    • At the top of the movement, ensure a full contraction of the biceps and hold for a brief moment.

  6. Controlled Lowering:

    • Inhale as you slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position, resisting the pull of gravity.

  7. Full Range of Motion:

    • Strive for a full range of motion to maximize the engagement of the targeted muscles.

  8. Breathing Technique:

    • Exhale during the concentric phase (lifting) and inhale during the eccentric phase (lowering).


  • Choose an appropriate weight that allows you to maintain control and proper form.

  • Keep your elbows close to your torso to emphasize the engagement of the brachialis.

  • Perform the hammer curl in a deliberate and controlled manner, avoiding rapid or jerky movements.

The dumbbell hammer curl is a versatile exercise that complements traditional bicep curls. By incorporating this movement into your workout routine, you can promote balanced development within the arm muscles. As always, prioritize form and technique for optimal results.

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Dumbbell Bicep Workout #3: Dumbbell Pinwheel Biceps Curl

What it looks like:

@kikihayre your biceps will be ☠️🤌🏽 Full fit from bombshell sportswear 🥰 #gymgirls #fitnesstips #fyp #upperbodyworkout #bicepsworkout #workoutroutine #bombshellsportswear ♬ Sober - YG

How to do it:

The dumbbell pinwheel biceps curl is a dynamic exercise that engages both the biceps and forearms, contributing to comprehensive arm strength. Here's a step-by-step guide on executing this exercise with proper form:

  1. Starting Position:

    • Begin by holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms fully extended, and palms facing your body.

    • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart for stability.

  2. Crossed Arm Position:

    • As opposed to traditional curls, start this exercise with your arms crossed in front of your body.

    • The right hand holds the dumbbell on the left side, and the left hand holds the dumbbell on the right side.

  3. Initiate the Movement:

    • Exhale and flex your elbows, lifting the dumbbells diagonally across your body.

    • The motion should resemble turning a steering wheel, hence the name "pinwheel."

  4. Maintain Arm Cross:

    • Throughout the movement, keep your arms crossed, ensuring that the dumbbells travel in an upward diagonal path.

  5. Full Contraction:

    • At the top of the movement, achieve a full contraction of the biceps by squeezing them for a moment.

  6. Controlled Lowering:

    • Inhale as you carefully lower the dumbbells back to the starting position, maintaining the crossed-arm configuration.

  7. Repeat on Both Sides:

    • Perform the desired number of repetitions, alternating the starting side with each set.

  8. Breathing Technique:

    • Exhale during the lifting phase and inhale during the lowering phase.


  • Choose a weight that allows you to maintain control and focus on proper form.

  • Keep your upper arms stationary, emphasizing the movement in the forearms and biceps.

  • Engage your core to stabilize your body throughout the exercise.

The pinwheel biceps curl introduces a unique challenge by incorporating a diagonal movement pattern. By including this exercise in your routine, you target various muscle fibers within the biceps, promoting balanced development. As with any exercise, prioritize form and execute each repetition with intention for optimal results.

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Dumbbell Bicep Workout #4: Dumbbell Bicep Concentration Curl

What it looks like:

@britanywilliams arm day is ALWAYS fire when i add in these isometric hold concentration curls to target the bicep! Make sure to use a challenging heavy dumbbell. #concentrationcurl #biceps #bicepsworkout #armsworkout #armday #fitmom #fitmomover30 #dumbbellworkout #workoutmotivation #fitnessmotivation ♬ BOYs a LIAR PT2 NEVER DULL REMIX - Never Dull

How to do it:

The dumbbell bicep concentration curl is a targeted exercise that isolates the biceps, emphasizing peak contraction and promoting muscle definition. Follow these step-by-step instructions to perform this exercise effectively:

  1. Set Up:

    • Begin by sitting on a flat bench with your legs spread apart for stability.

    • Hold a dumbbell in your right hand, placing the back of your upper right arm against the inside of your right thigh.

  2. Starting Position:

    • Allow the arm to be fully extended, holding the dumbbell with your palm facing forward.

    • Your back should be straight, and your chest should be up.

  3. Initiate the Curl:

    • Exhale and curl the dumbbell upward toward your shoulder, focusing on the contraction of the bicep.

    • Keep your upper arm stationary; the movement should occur only at the elbow joint.

  4. Peak Contraction:

    • At the top of the movement, squeeze your bicep to achieve peak contraction.

    • This position maximizes the engagement of the bicep muscles.

  5. Controlled Lowering:

    • Inhale as you lower the dumbbell back to the starting position in a slow and controlled manner.

  6. Switch Sides:

    • Repeat the exercise with the opposite arm by switching the dumbbell to your left hand.

  7. Breathing Technique:

    • Exhale during the lifting phase and inhale during the lowering phase.


  • Use a weight that challenges you without compromising proper form.

  • Focus on the mind-muscle connection, concentrating on the sensation in the biceps.

  • Maintain stability by keeping your non-working hand on your opposite knee.

The concentration curl is renowned for its ability to target the biceps intensely. By performing this exercise with strict form and controlled movements, you enhance the effectiveness of your bicep training. Incorporate concentration curls into your routine for well-rounded bicep development and definition.

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Dumbbell Bicep Workout Videos

These curated YouTube videos provide step-by-step instructions, ensuring your form is spot-on and maximizing the effectiveness of your dumbbell bicep workouts. Whether you're a beginner seeking foundational knowledge or an experienced fitness enthusiast looking for fresh insights, these videos cater to all levels of expertise. Let's dive into a wealth of visual resources that will elevate your bicep training experience.


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As a born-and-bred American who now resides in both London & Florida, Teyah is a freelance writer, researcher & activist. A self-professed storyteller with a serious case of wanderlust, she has a penchant for all things feminism, environmentalism, and lifestyle.


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