Ornamental Plants: The W&S Guide

by the W&S Sustainability, Nature and Climate Editorial Team




What are Ornamental Plants?

Ornamental plants are, in essence, the showstoppers of the plant world. They're plants that are grown for their aesthetic appeal. Think flowers, shrubs, trees, even those cute little succulents we just can't resist. We're talking bright colors, unique shapes, and textures that delight our senses.

But it's not just about the looks. These plants are like the multitaskers of the botanical world. Yes, they're beautiful, but they also serve so many other purposes. They freshen up the air around us - acting as natural air purifiers - and have the magical ability to transform any space, whether it's a tiny apartment or a sprawling garden, into a green oasis.

Now, you might be thinking, aren't all plants ornamental then? Well, not quite. See, the term "ornamental" is specifically used to distinguish these beauties from plants we grow for other primary purposes, like food or medicine. So, that tomato plant you've been nurturing in your kitchen garden? Not ornamental. The bougainvillea cascading down your front wall? Absolutely ornamental.

What I love about ornamental plants is their versatility. They can be the perfect accessory to your living room, adding a pop of color and texture that no throw pillow could ever replicate. Or they can be the stars of your backyard, attracting all sorts of adorable wildlife from butterflies to hummingbirds.


And here's a pro tip, ladies: think of these plants like you think of your wardrobe. Mix and match different types to create a garden that's as diverse and vibrant as you are. Annuals, perennials, climbers, ferns - they each bring something unique to the table.

So, there you have it. Ornamental plants: they're more than just pretty faces. They're a way for us to express our creativity, connect with nature, and create spaces that make us feel good. And who doesn't want a little more of that in their lives?


What Does it Mean to be Sustainable With Ornamental Plants?

So, you're in love with the world of ornamental plants. Me too. But as conscious ladies, we know it's not just about bringing beauty into our homes—it's also about making choices that respect our Earth. Let's talk about what it means to be sustainable with ornamental plants.

Sustainability, in essence, is about balance. It's about satisfying our love for all things green and growing while also respecting the needs of our planet. In the context of ornamental plants, it means choosing, using, and caring for plants in ways that are environmentally friendly, economically viable, and socially equitable.

But, how exactly do we do this?


Firstly, let's think about what we're buying. Just as you might look for organic, fair-trade coffee, look for plants that are grown in a sustainable way. This could mean plants grown without harmful pesticides, plants that are grown locally to reduce carbon emissions from transport, or plants that are not over-harvested or endangered.

Secondly, consider the life cycle of your plant. Will it need a ton of water or chemicals to thrive? If so, there might be a more sustainable option. Look for hardy, drought-tolerant plants that will thrive with less resources.

Also, consider the lifespan. Perennials, for example, can be a great sustainable choice because they come back year after year, reducing the need for new plants.

Lastly, don't forget about the pots. Those glossy ceramic ones might be tempting, but consider options like terracotta or even recycled materials. They can be just as stylish and far kinder to the planet.

To be sustainable with ornamental plants is to create a beautiful balance. It's about respecting the beauty of nature while also doing our part to preserve it. With a little forethought and conscious decision making, we can curate gorgeous spaces that align with our values and don't compromise the health of our planet. So next time you're shopping for a new plant baby, keep these tips in mind, and you'll be a sustainability superstar in no time.

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Ornamental Plants: Why Sustainability Matters

Let's get real for a moment, ladies. As much as we love our beautiful ornamental plants, it's important to face the reality that the plant industry hasn't always been kind to Mother Earth or its people. In fact, in many ways, it's a part of the larger environmental and human rights issues we're facing today.

Did you know that globally, the gardening and landscaping sector is a multi-billion dollar industry? That's a lot of plants—and a lot of resources. In the U.S alone, it's estimated that nearly 9 billion gallons of water are used daily for landscape irrigation. That's more than one-third of all residential water use! And when we're dealing with issues like water scarcity, this is a statistic we simply can't ignore.

Moreover, the overuse of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in the ornamental plant industry is a significant concern. These substances seep into our groundwater, affecting both human health and aquatic life. They can create dead zones in bodies of water, places where life simply can't survive. Yikes!

Beyond environmental harm, there's also the human cost. The global plant trade often involves exploitative labor practices, with workers facing low wages, long hours, and exposure to harmful chemicals.

But, here's the thing. This isn't about making you feel guilty for loving plants. Instead, it's about understanding that our choices matter and that we have the power to shape the industry in a more sustainable direction.

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By choosing to support sustainable practices in the ornamental plant world, we're not only advocating for cleaner air, water, and soil, but also for fair labor practices. We're showing that it's possible to have our lush indoor jungles and outdoor oases without causing harm.

So, let's not shy away from the facts. Instead, let's use them to inform our decisions, to question the status quo, and to demand better—for our planet and for its people. Because when it comes to sustainability, every plant, every choice, really does matter.


Our Favorite Sustainable Ornamental Plant Accessories


Plant Pots:

1. Monstera Soft Planter Basket, Made Trade


2. Hoff Planter 30, Goodee


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Plant Hangers:

1. Macrame Flower Plant Hanger, BeautifulSoulMacrame


2. Macrame Hanging Shelf, BeanDaikon


Watering Pots:

1. Over The Rainbow Watering Can, RuthAnnTookeHome


2. Watering Bell, Riviera Ceramics



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