The “Granola Girl” Aesthetic (and Why We’re Obsessed)


W&S Culture and Society Editorial Team



What is a “Granola Girl”?

Have you ever found yourself scrolling through TikTok, captivated by the wholesome and earthy vibes exuding from certain content creators? You're not alone! What you may be witnessing is the rise of the "Granola Girl" aesthetic, a trend that has taken social media by storm. But what exactly is a "Granola Girl," and why has it become such a phenomenon?

The term "Granola Girl" typically refers to someone who embraces a natural and eco-conscious lifestyle. They are often associated with elements such as sustainability, outdoor adventures, and holistic well-being. The aesthetic is characterized by a love for all things organic, from earth-toned clothing to handmade accessories, and a deep appreciation for nature's beauty.

While the "Granola Girl" aesthetic may seem like a recent trend, its roots run deeper than social media platforms. It is important to acknowledge that this aesthetic is not limited to any specific racial or ethnic group, despite the initial portrayal often being associated with whiteness. In fact, the "Granola Girl" aesthetic has found a vibrant presence within communities of color, where it connects deeply with pre-colonial practices and values that honor and respect nature.

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Many POC women have embraced the "Granola Girl" aesthetic as an extension of their cultural heritage and a way to reclaim their ancestral practices. It serves as a powerful reminder of the deep connection communities of color have had with the land, long before the term "Granola Girl" even existed. From indigenous traditions that revere the earth as a sacred entity to African cultural practices that emphasize herbal medicine and natural remedies, the roots of the aesthetic are intertwined with a rich history of eco-consciousness within communities of color.

By highlighting the presence of the "Granola Girl" aesthetic within POC circles, we can debunk the notion that sustainability and conscious living are exclusively for a particular group. It is crucial to recognize and celebrate the contributions of diverse communities to the eco-conscious movement. By doing so, we embrace a more inclusive and holistic understanding of what it means to live in harmony with the earth.



By highlighting the presence of the "Granola Girl" aesthetic within POC circles, we can debunk the notion that sustainability and conscious living are exclusively for a particular group.


As we navigate the world of social media and aesthetic trends, let's acknowledge that the "Granola Girl" aesthetic is not a superficial phenomenon. It is an opportunity to honor the wisdom and practices of communities of color, reclaiming and celebrating their enduring connection to nature. So, whether you find yourself drawn to this aesthetic or are inspired to explore eco-conscious living, remember that it is a movement that transcends boundaries and invites us all to come together in our shared responsibility to protect and cherish our planet.


The Granola Girl Aesthetic

The "Granola Girl" aesthetic is more than just a visual trend—it encompasses a lifestyle deeply rooted in values and practices that resonate with eco-conscious individuals. Let's explore the key components that define the essence of a Granola Girl:

She reads National Geographic

The Granola Girl has a thirst for knowledge about the world and its diverse ecosystems. National Geographic serves as her window to the wonders of nature, inspiring her to explore and understand the planet better. Through the captivating articles and breathtaking photography, she cultivates a deep appreciation for the Earth's biodiversity and the importance of conservation.

Outdoor activities are her bread and butter

The Granola Girl thrives in the great outdoors. Whether it's hiking through lush forests, camping under starry skies, or embracing the serenity of a morning yoga session on the beach, she finds solace and joy in nature's embrace. Engaging in outdoor activities not only keeps her physically active but also nourishes her soul, providing a much-needed respite from the demands of everyday life.

Animals are truly her friends

The Granola Girl has a profound connection with the animal kingdom. She values the inherent worth of all living beings and advocates for their rights and well-being. She might volunteer at animal shelters, support wildlife conservation initiatives, or advocate for ethical treatment of animals. Through her actions, she strives to create a harmonious coexistence between humans and the animal kingdom.

She meditates—A LOT:

Mindfulness and meditation are integral to the Granola Girl's daily routine. She understands the importance of grounding herself and finding inner peace amidst the chaos of modern life. Regular meditation practices help her connect with her inner self, cultivate gratitude, and foster a deep sense of tranquility. By taking the time to center herself, she can better appreciate the beauty of the world around her.


She's a progressive thinker

The Granola Girl is not only concerned with personal well-being but also actively engages in the social and environmental issues of our time. She is a progressive thinker, advocating for sustainability, social justice, and equality. From supporting eco-friendly brands to championing inclusive and diverse spaces, she believes in making a positive impact on the world and leaves no stone unturned in her quest for a better future.

These key components embody the essence of the Granola Girl aesthetic, capturing the spirit of adventure, mindfulness, compassion, and progressive thinking. Whether she's flipping through the pages of National Geographic, embarking on outdoor escapades, embracing the interconnectedness of all living beings, dedicating time to meditation, or working towards a more sustainable and just world, the Granola Girl lives her values and inspires others to do the same.


Why Granola Girls Matter in the Conscious Living Movement

The emergence and popularity of the Granola Girl aesthetic, particularly among women of color, holds significant meaning in the sustainability, mindful living, and conscious living movements. As we witness the rise of this trend on platforms like TikTok, predominantly inhabited by Gen Z, it reflects the evolving consciousness and aspirations of our society.

The fixation on Granola Girls, specifically those of color, signifies a shift in our collective mindset. It signals a growing awareness and appreciation for the intersectionality of sustainable living, cultural heritage, and the importance of inclusivity within the conscious living movement. Here's why Granola Girls of color matter:


Representation and Diversity: 

The prominence of Granola Girls of color challenges the notion that conscious living and sustainable practices are exclusively reserved for a particular group. It dismantles the stereotype that eco-consciousness is limited to white individuals and creates space for diverse voices and experiences. By centering women of color in the Granola Girl aesthetic, we acknowledge their contributions, cultural practices, and ancestral wisdom within the sustainability conversation.

Reclaiming Cultural Heritage: 

Granola Girls of color infuse the conscious living movement with a rich tapestry of cultural heritage and practices. They draw upon the teachings of their ancestors, incorporating pre-colonial wisdom, respect for nature, and traditional healing practices into their modern lifestyles. By embracing their cultural roots, they demonstrate the resilience and relevance of these practices in addressing current environmental challenges.

Environmental Intersectionality: 

The rise of Granola Girls of color emphasizes the importance of intersectionality in the conscious living movement. It recognizes that sustainability encompasses social, economic, and environmental justice. Granola Girls of color advocate for a holistic approach that addresses the unique challenges faced by marginalized communities, intertwining racial justice, gender equality, and environmental stewardship.

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Inspiring Future Generations: 

By showcasing Granola Girls of color on platforms like TikTok, we inspire and empower future generations to embrace sustainability, mindful living, and conscious choices. Representation matters, and the visibility of diverse Granola Girls sends a powerful message that anyone can be part of the movement, regardless of their background. It helps shape a more inclusive and equitable future for conscious living.

The fixation on Granola Girls of color on TikTok reflects a society that is evolving and redefining its values. It represents a desire for sustainability practices that are deeply rooted in cultural heritage and inclusivity. By acknowledging and amplifying the voices of Granola Girls of color, we honor their contributions to the conscious living movement, and we pave the way for a more diverse, equitable, and sustainable world.



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Teyah Payne

Teyah Is the Founder & Creative Director of W&S. She is also a PhD Student and activist, focusing mainly on making progressive impacts in feminism, environmentalism, and culture. CLICK HERE to learn more about Teyah and her work.

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