Mastering the “Solo Date”


W&S Culture and Society Editorial Team



What are Solo Dates? 

The term "solo date" refers to the practice of intentionally spending time alone doing something enjoyable, similar to a traditional date but without the presence of another person. Although the origins of the term are unclear, it is likely that it emerged as part of the larger cultural movement towards self-care and wellness (O’Connor, 2021; Trew, 2018).

Solo dates can take many forms, depending on the individual's preferences and interests. The key is to engage in an activity that brings joy and allows for a sense of rejuvenation and relaxation. There are numerous benefits to engaging in solo dates. First, it allows for a break from the constant stimulation and demands of social interactions. Additionally, solo dates can foster a sense of independence and self-reliance, as well as boost confidence and self-esteem.

The practice of solo dating has gained popularity in recent years as a way for people to prioritize self-care and personal growth. By taking time for oneself, individuals can prioritize their own needs and desires, leading to increased happiness and fulfillment.

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Why Solo Dates Matter for BIPOC Women

Solo dates can be particularly important for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) women due to unique challenges they face in the dating market. These challenges include microaggressions and discrimination based on their race or ethnicity, as well as the pressure to conform to traditional gender roles and beauty standards that may not align with their cultural values.

In addition, BIPOC women may face a lack of representation and visibility in the mainstream dating culture, which can lead to feelings of invisibility and exclusion. This can be especially true for women who identify as queer or transgender.


Solo dates offer a way for BIPOC women to take control of their own narratives and prioritize their own desires and needs. By engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment, they can build confidence and self-esteem, and resist societal pressures to conform to narrow and oppressive beauty standards.

Moreover, solo dates can provide a space for healing and reflection, allowing BIPOC women to process the stress and trauma that may result from experiencing racism and discrimination in the dating market. Solo dates can be an act of self-love and resistance, empowering BIPOC women to create a positive and empowering narrative about themselves and their bodies .

In conclusion, solo dates can be an important tool for BIPOC women in navigating the complex and often oppressive dating market. By prioritizing self-care and self-love, they can resist societal pressures and build confidence and resilience. Through solo dating, BIPOC women can take ownership of their own narratives, celebrate their unique identities, and create a sense of empowerment and agency in their lives.


Solo dates can be an act of self-love and resistance, empowering BIPOC women to create a positive and empowering narrative about themselves and their bodies.



Tips for Making Your Solo Dates Awesome

Solo dates can be a great way to practice self-care and self-love, but they can also be intimidating or uncomfortable for some women, especially those who are not used to spending time alone in public. Here are some tips to help make the experience more enjoyable:

Plan ahead: Before heading out on a solo date, take some time to plan your itinerary. Think about activities you enjoy doing alone, like reading, journaling, or visiting a museum. Consider trying something new that you've always wanted to do but haven't had the chance yet. Having a plan in place can help you feel more confident and in control.

Dress comfortably: Wear something that makes you feel confident and comfortable. This will help you feel more at ease during the solo date. Additionally, choosing the right outfit can help you blend in with the crowd, making you less self-conscious.

Be mindful: Use your solo date as an opportunity to be present and mindful. Focus on the sensations you're experiencing, like the taste of your food or the sounds around you. Being present can help you feel more connected to yourself and the world around you.

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Bring a book or journal: Having something to read or write in can be a great way to pass the time and make you feel more comfortable in a public space. Plus, it can be a great conversation starter if you happen to strike up a conversation with someone.

Practice self-compassion: Be kind and gentle with yourself during the solo date. Remember that it's okay to feel nervous or uncomfortable at times. Try to focus on the positive aspects of the experience and give yourself credit for trying something new.

In conclusion, solo dates can be a fun and empowering way to practice self-care and self-love. By following these tips, you can help make the experience more enjoyable and comfortable. Remember to be kind and compassionate with yourself, and to have fun!


Solo Date Ideas

Solo dates can be a great way to practice self-care and self-love, and there are a variety of activities that women can enjoy on their own. Here are some solo date ideas to consider:

Take a hike: Spending time in nature can be a great way to clear your mind and connect with yourself. Find a local hiking trail and spend the day exploring on your own.

Visit a museum: Museums can be a great place to learn, reflect, and find inspiration. Take a solo trip to a museum or art gallery and take your time exploring the exhibits.

Have a spa day: Treat yourself to a day of pampering at a spa. Book a massage, facial, or other treatment and enjoy some much-needed relaxation time.


Attend a concert or show: Going to a concert or show alone can be a great way to experience the performance in your own way. You can choose your own seat, arrive and leave on your own schedule, and enjoy the music or show without worrying about anyone else's opinion.

Take a cooking class: Cooking classes can be a fun and interactive way to learn new skills and techniques. Take a solo cooking class and learn how to make a new dish or cuisine.

Go to the movies: Going to the movies alone can be a great way to immerse yourself in a story without any distractions. Choose a film you've been wanting to see and enjoy the experience on your own.

Visit a new restaurant: Trying a new restaurant can be a fun and delicious way to explore your city or town. Choose a restaurant you've been wanting to try and savor the flavors on your own.



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Teyah Payne

Teyah Is the Founder & Creative Director of W&S. She is also a PhD Student and activist, focusing mainly on making progressive impacts in feminism, environmentalism, and culture. CLICK HERE to learn more about Teyah and her work.

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